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The XXI century will be a сentury either of total all-embracing crisis or of moral and spiritual healing that will reinvigorate humankind. It is my conviction that all of us - all reasonable political leaders, all spiritual and ideological movements, all  faiths - must help in this transition to a triumph of humanism and justice, in making the XXI century a century of a new human renaissance.

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4 October 2007

Gorbachev criticizes, praises U.S. during Louisville visit

     Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev criticized the United States on Wednesday for its approach to the war on terrorism.
     During a stop in Louisville, Gorbachev said the war should be fought not only with «tanks and missiles» but by addressing the «structural problems of the world» that leaves people humiliated and willing to turn to terrorism.
     In racial integration, however, Gorbachev said the United States has set an example for a divided world in areas ranging from arts to sports. The country has shown it is able to overcome its legacy of segregation, he said: «It gives a much better example and influence on the world than missiles».
     Gorbachev was in Louisville for a speech at the Kentucky Center sponsored by the World Affairs Council of Kentucky/Southern Indiana. His talk is part of a tour leading up to an international meeting of the Green Cross International, an environmental group that Gorbachev founded. The meeting starts today in New Orleans.
     Gorbachev also said Russia is rebounding from the turmoil of the 1990s but that should not make the West fearful.
     He said current Russian President Vladimir Putin deserves some criticism but in general, he is bringing order to the country. Putin has drawn criticism for his authoritarian rule and confrontational rhetoric toward the United States. «Russia is a country with which America can get along», Gorbachev told reporters. «This is a reliable partner, but of course it will defend its national interest».
     Gorbachev said he believed Americans and other Western leaders acted with «cynicism» when they praised former Russian President Boris Yeltsin during the 1990s, when economic and social chaos was growing in Russia.
     «During the time of Russia's troubles and hardships, some countries got used to treating Russia a certain way», Gorbachev said.
     «We have everything we need ... to make Russia a successful country. We only need some time. ... Perhaps there are some who don't want Russia to become stronger».




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