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The XXI century will be a сentury either of total all-embracing crisis or of moral and spiritual healing that will reinvigorate humankind. It is my conviction that all of us - all reasonable political leaders, all spiritual and ideological movements, all  faiths - must help in this transition to a triumph of humanism and justice, in making the XXI century a century of a new human renaissance.

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20 July 2006

Gorbachev urges Australia to sign Kyoto

        Former Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev has urged Australia to sign the Kyoto Protocol on climate change and set targets to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

       Canberra must also try to influence the United States to do more to reduce the effects of global warming, he said.

       Mr Gorbachev arrived in Brisbane to co-chair the global forum Earth Dialogues, which is featuring leading international experts on the environment, economics and science.

       Delegates from 11 nations will explore solutions to sustainable development, resource management, climate change, energy security and peace during the forum in Brisbane.

       Mr Gorbachev, now chairman of environmental lobby group Green Cross International, said Australia should sign up to the Kyoto Protocol and set targets to cut greenhouse emissions.

       Under Kyoto, which was not signed by the United States or Australia, 40 countries, including Russia, agreed to cut their emissions by 5.2 per cent before 2012.

       Mr Gorbachev said the US government had been a "stubborn animal" regarding Kyoto but if Australia signed the US might follow.

       He said the close relationship between Prime Minister John Howard and US President George W Bush gave Australia a position of influence.

       "That's even more reason for Australia to sign the protocol and then that closeness will play a positive role," Mr Gorbachev told AAP in Brisbane.

       "I think if that closeness is used only for aggravating mistakes such as the war in Iraq that's not positive, that's not useful.

       "But I've not come here to say harsh words about the Australian government or business."

       Mr Gorbachev, 75, was the Soviet president from 1985-91 and he was awarded the 1990 Nobel Peace Prize for his role in ending the Cold War.

       His passion now is the environment and he travels the world to campaign about the perils of climate change.

       "Before it is too late I think we need to put our environmental house in order," he said.

       "And of course there is a lot in Australia that must be preserved. It is a beautiful continent and there is wonderful ecological balance, wonderful conditions for habitation here and it should be preserved."

       Mr Gorbachev will address the forum when it opens on Saturday and he'll co-chair the summit with Queensland Premier Peter Beattie.

       Despite being on his first visit to Australia since 1999, Mr Gorbachev has been snubbed by Prime Minister John Howard who turned down two invitations to attend the forum.

       Four other ministers declined invitations and the only government representative will be Queensland-based Liberal backbencher Andrew Laming. Governor-General Michael Jeffery will also attend the event.

       Mr Gorbachev said he would have "appreciated" seeing Mr Howard "but it's up to him to decide if he wants to come".

       "This is an important forum, an important conference and I've travelled more than 20,000km to participate," Mr Gorbachev said.

       Mr Downer, in Brisbane to speak about the conflict in Lebanon, brushed off criticisms about his no-show.

       "Should I be trying to get people out of Lebanon or should I be at an Earth Dialogues forum? I think that answers the question," he said.

 Australian Associated Press, 20.07.2006



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