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The XXI century will be a сentury either of total all-embracing crisis or of moral and spiritual healing that will reinvigorate humankind. It is my conviction that all of us - all reasonable political leaders, all spiritual and ideological movements, all  faiths - must help in this transition to a triumph of humanism and justice, in making the XXI century a century of a new human renaissance.

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5 December 2005

Gorbachev: New chancellor won''t alter Russian-German relations

     Ex-Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev has said he believes Russian-German relations will not change with Angela Merkel becoming federal chancellor.
     Speaking at the opening of the fifth international forum St. Petersburg Dialogue on Wednesday, Gorbachev said "nobody needs" to worsen relations between the two countries, "and both parties are interested in preserving the existing interaction."
     Russia is hearing "certain discussions about the deterioration of relations with Germany," but Gorbachev said he considers these conversations "nothing but provocations."

Interfax, November 30, 2005



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