16 September 2004
Gorbachev Is Answering Questions of the "Korea Times" Correspondent
Gorbachev Calls for International Aid to NK
By Shim Jae-yun
Staff Reporter
Former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev called on the international community to expand support for North Korea in its bid toward openness and economic development.
During an exclusive interview with The Korea Times on the occasion of President Roh Moo-hyun’s visit to Russia starting Sept. 20, Gorbachev expressed hope North Korea will overcome its difficulties to begin the construction of a modern society.
``To reach these goals the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (the official name of North Korea), of course, needs support from other countries,’’ he stressed.
Gorbachev is credited with helping end the Cold War confrontation between the eastern and western blocs with ``glasnost’’ (openness) and ``perestroika’’ (reform).
He has built an international reputation and exercised important influence in his work for greater efficiency and less corruption, striving for significant reforms and democracy around the globe.
``I am aware that in recent years the DPRK undertook some efforts aimed at ending the economic crisis and improving people’s lives. From my own experience I can say that every beginning is difficult. But it is important for every beginning to be continued,’’ he said.
Touching on the continuing impasse over North Korea’s nuclear weapons program, Gorbachev said Russia is committed to resolving the issue through peaceful means.
``The efforts of Russian diplomacy are directed at the peaceful solution of the problem.’’
He mentioned the need for leaders of the nations participating in the six-party talks aimed at resolving the nuclear dispute to be politically determined to resolve the problem.
``I am sure there is no other solution but a political one,’’ he said.
But he expressed regret over the lack of progress in the multilateral negotiations despite efforts by the participating countries.
``The six-party talks, unfortunately, have been moving slowly so far, even though all its participants share the opinion that the current situation should be solved by political means,’’ he said.
Regarding Roh’s planned visit to Russia, he said the summit between Roh and Russian President Vladimir Putin will be, beyond doubt, a major event in the history of the relations between the two nations.
``The summit is especially important since it takes place in the year we celebrate the 120th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and Russia,’’ he said.
He said in the short period of time that has elapsed since the normalization of relations, a sound foundation for bilateral relations has been created.
``Both sides maintain a high level of political dialogue while promoting economic, scientific, technological and cultural exchanges,’’ he said. ``It does not mean we do not have problems, of course. I think that during the summit the bilateral relations will be examined carefully, with special emphasis being made on the increase of economic cooperation and investment since this is a field where there is still a large space for growth,’’ he said.
by M.S. Karlen, Editor, CDAC (Comprehensive Dialogue among Civilizations, Geneva)
29 August 2023
by Robert David English
29 October 2022
The New York Times, May 2, 2019