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The XXI century will be a сentury either of total all-embracing crisis or of moral and spiritual healing that will reinvigorate humankind. It is my conviction that all of us - all reasonable political leaders, all spiritual and ideological movements, all  faiths - must help in this transition to a triumph of humanism and justice, in making the XXI century a century of a new human renaissance.

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8 November 2019

Comments in social media on Mikhail Gorbachev's BBC interview

Man, how is Gorbachev the only sane one in the world.
agree with almost everything this man said
I don't agree with communism and think totalitarian regimes in all forms, communist, facist, monarchist, whatever, should be dismantled, but Gorbachev's efforts to reform the USSR were good, and he makes really good points in this interview.
I keep watching this with tears in my eyes. To see the distance from all we'd strived for in the past regarding global peace is so discouraging. Gorbachev was a brilliant, caring leader decades ago & hasn't lost his integrity with age. I can't recall a worse time in US relations.
“Mr Gorbachev, tear down your wall.” 30 years ago, the Berlin Wall came down; USSR declared to not intervene. And thus ended the Cold War. I have much respect for this man.
Great interview. I can’t help but feel how underrated this victory was for humankind that day (signing the treaty). There is literally no point to prove with nuclear weapons, everyone loses.
Just a pity that current world leaders aren't as wise as Mr Gorbachev. He tried to make the world a safer place. I hope all world leaders take note.
G is as close to a "good man" as politics would allow. It is a shame that it takes age to realize that peace and love, not power and lust, are the answers.
Say what you want about the USSR but this man is very wise and intelligent. I really hope the powers In the world will consider his advice
Legendary Leader we have much to learn from this man so we must listen so not to repeat the same mistakes as be have before...
So interesting and strange to see him after all these years. He’s a smart man, we should listen to him.
It is a day shame when a former Soviet leader makes more sense than a current American one...FML...
He was/is a wise man. If his people had stuck it out, they would have been in a far better place by now.
At least he tried to end the 'Cold War' for good, but look who took over after that, Mr 'P' set it all off again.
Gorbachev is still a very smart man. I would advise that we should listen to his advice on nuclear weapons, except there are countries other than Russia that we Must beware of for now. They most certainly have no good in their hearts for us as a nation.
I agree with his assessment all nuclear weapons from all countries should be eliminated as it is too dangerous and any misstep.could lead to the extinction of our beautiful star and all its inhabitants
Fascinating stuff and great to see him looking so well. Huge respect for this man.
I agree with him though. Most people today disregard the threat of nuclear weapons. We need to be reminded of what a terrible threat they are to the whole of humanity. A nuclear winter would pose a threat to everyone.
This breaks my heart. I guess because we don’t live in a sane world anymore and his words make that very clear. 
Gorbachev is a smart man
I think those words reflect the huge respect people have for President Gorbachev worldwide.


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