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The XXI century will be a сentury either of total all-embracing crisis or of moral and spiritual healing that will reinvigorate humankind. It is my conviction that all of us - all reasonable political leaders, all spiritual and ideological movements, all  faiths - must help in this transition to a triumph of humanism and justice, in making the XXI century a century of a new human renaissance.

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16 October 2018

The International Conference «Сircles within Circles: Girl-Led Transnational Dialogues To Combat Sexual Violence»


The International Conference «Сircles within Circles: Girl-Led Transnational Dialogues To Combat Sexual Violence»which took place on 08 to 11 July 2018 at Fairmont Le Chateau Montebello (Canada) brought together researchers and activists  from Canada, Sweden, South Africa, Ethiopia and Russia.
This event is hosted by McGill University and The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation and is offered in partnership with the SSHRC-IDRC funded Partnership project ‘Networks for change and well-being: Girl-led
‘from the ground up’ policy making to address sexual violence in Canada and South Africa’.

Circles within Circles will feature 65 participants, including approximately 30 girls and young women who have been actively addressing issues related to gender based violence within their local communities as part of a number of participatory projects across several countries. This highly participatory, residential conference focused on the ways in which girls and young women can be key actors in informing and shaping policy dialogue around sexual violence.
Claudia Mitchell, FRSC James McGill Professor of Education Faculty of Education, McGill University - about the International Conference Circles within Circles: Girl-LedTransnational Dialogues To Combat Sexual Violence
NETWORKS FOR CHANGE AND WELL-BEING Girl-led ‘From the Ground Up’ Policy Making to Address Sexual Violence in Canada and South Africa. The reflections on the wonderful Circles within Circles event as well as updates from the fieldsites.   

Video from   the International Conference “Girlhood in Turbulent Times: Gender Equality as a Cultural Norm and a Social Practice”, Moscow, Gorbachev Foundation,   7 April 2017


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