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The XXI century will be a сentury either of total all-embracing crisis or of moral and spiritual healing that will reinvigorate humankind. It is my conviction that all of us - all reasonable political leaders, all spiritual and ideological movements, all  faiths - must help in this transition to a triumph of humanism and justice, in making the XXI century a century of a new human renaissance.

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5 September 2017

New biography of Mikhail Gorbachev by W.Taubman has been realeased

U.S. publisher W.W.Norton & Company has released a new biography of Mikhail Gorbachev by WIlliam Taubman Gorbachev. His Life and Times.

The book can be purchased on Amazon

an American political scientist. His biography of Nikita Khrushchev won the Pulitzer Prize for biography in 2004 and the National Book Critics Circle Award for Biography in 2003. William Taubman is a professor of history at Amherst College, Amherst, Ms.


Amazon review:

From the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Khrushchev: The Man and his Era comes the definitive volume on one of the most important and controversial figures of the 20th century. When Mikhail Gorbachev became its leader in March 1985, the USSR was still one of the world's two superpowers. By the end of his tenure six years later, the Communist system was dismantled, the cold war was over and, on 25th December 1991, the Soviet Union itself ceased to exist. While not solely responsible for this remarkable upheaval, he set decisive changes in motion. Assessments of Gorbachev could not be more polarised. In the West, he is regarded as a hero. In Russia, he is widely hated by those who blame him for the collapse of the USSR. Admirers marvel at this vision and courage. Detractors, including many of his Kremlin comrades, have accused him of everything from naivete to treason.




William Taubman book reviews

“Masterly….[This] richly layered portrait….will surely stand as the definitive English-language chronicle of this most intriguing figure for many years to come.”

-Peter Baker, New York Times Book Review

“Superb…. Enlightening…. [A]n extraordinary story of one man and history in a tense wrestling match.”

– David E. Hoffman, The Washington Post
“William Taubman’s extraordinary new biography, Gorbachev: His Life and Times, is fly-on-the-wall history…. A riveting page-turner….
[H]is book is anything but a solemn academic tome. It’s gripping.”
– Mark Katkov, NPR
[A] deeply penetrating history and engrossing psychological study….” -Robert Legvold, Foreign Affairs
”Comprehensive… immensely readable… applies a Tolstoyan lens to Russia’s recent history.”

The Economist
“Fascinating, perceptive and compelling. . .[a] magisterial book.”

Nicholas Burns, The Boston Globe
“[H]is astounding synthesis of interviews, archival sources, memoirs and press reports presents an all-too-human story….”

– Roland Elliott Brown, Toronto Globe and Mail
“A meticulously researched, clear-eyed volume that will undoubtedly stand for years as the definitive account of the Soviet Union’s last ruler.”
– Max Boot, Wall Street Journal
“Nobody before Taubman has achieved an in-depth psychological portrait…. [T]his monumental biography will become the standard personal portrait. Taubman has charmed more out of [Gorbachev] than any of his subordinates ever managed to.”

– Robert Service, Literary Review
”This will be one of the two or three best books of the year, compulsively readable, fun, and informative all at once.”

– Tyler Cowan,
”Sympathetic in his judgments yet clear-eyed in his criticisms, Taubman has rendered Gorbachev in a vast and complex portrait that will be the standard for years to come.”

– Michael O’Donnell, Washington Monthly




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