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The XXI century will be a сentury either of total all-embracing crisis or of moral and spiritual healing that will reinvigorate humankind. It is my conviction that all of us - all reasonable political leaders, all spiritual and ideological movements, all  faiths - must help in this transition to a triumph of humanism and justice, in making the XXI century a century of a new human renaissance.

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19 June 2009

Mikhail Gorbachev Greets George Bush Sr. on His 85th Birth Anniversary

Dear George,


On the day when you and your loved ones are celebrating this fine date, which marks another watershed in your remarkable and eventful life, I want to do more than just join in the many congratulations you are receiving. I would like once again to recall the years when we were working together, perhaps the most consequential period in the history of the second half of the twentieth century. We were then bearing the burden of making decisions that set the course of world affairs. Those were difficult decisions, requiring not just a political calculus but also human wisdom and trust. I think our two countries and the two of us met that challenge with dignity.


I am pleased that in the years since then, our relationship has continued and has been enriched through our communication and good exchanges. I am glad that we have a warm relationship with your family and in particular with Barbara, whom I want to take this occasion to thank for agreeing to contribute a few words to a book about Raisa.


I am sure that this will continue in the years to come. I wish you good health and energy, the best from your loving family and your thoughtful friends and, generally, all the very best.


I am joined in my congratulations and best wishes by Irina and by my entire family, which late last year grew larger with the arrival of a new member – Alexandra, the daughter of my granddaughter Xenia.



Mikhail Gorbachev




George Bush’s Reply to Mikhail Gorbachev


June 11, 2009


Dear Mikhail,


Thank you for today’s letter. I appreciate it very much indeed.


I agree that, working together, we were able to reduce global tensions and, hopefully, make the world a little more peaceful. Of course, I hope you know how much I enjoyed working with you in trying to do what was good and right.


I look forward to seeing you in Germany in the fall. That will be a nice reunion.


I am getting ready for tomorrow’s birthday jump with the Army Golden Knights. I know it will go very smoothly. The weather here in Maine has not cooperated, however, and there might have to be a postponement of the jump for a day or two.


Love to that big, wonderful family of yours. Know that you are often in my thoughts, and they are always good thoughts.


With warmest personal regards.



George Bush.



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