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The XXI century will be a сentury either of total all-embracing crisis or of moral and spiritual healing that will reinvigorate humankind. It is my conviction that all of us - all reasonable political leaders, all spiritual and ideological movements, all  faiths - must help in this transition to a triumph of humanism and justice, in making the XXI century a century of a new human renaissance.

Русский Русский

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Gorbachev M. Memoirs.- N.Y.: Doubleday.- 769 p. На англ. яз.












Foreword by Martin McCauley
A Note on Russian Names   
To the Reader
In Place of a Preface                                          

PART I. Roots

1. 27 November 1978
2. Stavropol - Moscow - Stavropol
3. Moscow State University
4. An Initial Test of Strength
5. Launching My Party Career
6. The Challenge of Power
7. At Staraya Ploshchad
8. On the Eve

PART II.   In the Kremlin

9.   General Secretary
10. More Light
11. The First Attempt at Economic Reform
12. The Decisive Step
13. Work and Reflection
14. Political Reform: Power Is Transferred from Staraya Ploshchad to the Kremlin
15. Nationalities Policy: A Difficult Search
16. The Party and Perestroika
17. How to Enter the Market


PART III.   The Changing Soviet Union and the World

18. New Thinking in Foreign Policy
19.  Europe - our Common Home
20. Towards a New World Order
21. Perestroika and the SociaHst Countries
22. Moscow and Beijing:'Close the Past, Open the Future
23. Overcoming Divisions in Europe
24. German Unification
25. Understanding Leads to Partnership
26. The Middle East Knot: Trial by Aggression
PART IV.   1991, the Stormy Year

27. Threats and Hopes
28. Economic Recognition for a Changing Soviet Union: The Group of Seven in 1991
29. Bush in Moscow Three Weeks before the Coup
30. The Coup
31. The Last Efforts and the Belovezh Conspiracy
32. The Soviet Union and the World after the Coup
Glossary by Martin McCauley



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