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The XXI century will be a сentury either of total all-embracing crisis or of moral and spiritual healing that will reinvigorate humankind. It is my conviction that all of us - all reasonable political leaders, all spiritual and ideological movements, all  faiths - must help in this transition to a triumph of humanism and justice, in making the XXI century a century of a new human renaissance.

Русский Русский

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The Expertise Round Table

The Expertise project was carried out from 2000 to 2009.

The project's aim was to explore a socio-economic and political situation in Russia and the world through a series of conferences and roundtable discussions with leading Russian and foreign experts in the field.

The materials of each discussion conference were released as individual editions under the general subtitle The Expertise Round Table and partially posted on the Gorbachev Foundation website. 

The project leader:

Viktor Kuvaldin

The Expertise Round Table editions:


The Mystery of Eurasia. Russia in the Emerging Global System. A discussion of the Research Project Findings. The Expertise Round Table. The Gorbachev Foundation. Moscow, 2000. - 143 p.




Globalization and Russia. The Expertise Round Table (January 5, 2001).  The Gorbachev Foundation.  Moscow,  2001. - 120 p.
The Changing World Context and Russia's Place In It. The Expertise Round Table.   The Gorbachev Foundation, Moscow 2001. - 106 p.
The Prospects for the Evolution of Russian Party and Political System. The Expertise Round Table (February 23, 2001).  The Gorbachev Foundation. Moscow, 2001. - 138 p.
The World System of the 21st Century: Noosphere or Zoosphere?  The Expertise Round Table (April 9, 2001).  The Gorbachev Foundation. Moscow, 2001. - 130 p.
 The Current State and the Future of the Russian-US Relations: The Expertise Round Table (May 25, 2001). The Gorbachev Foundation.  Moscow,  2001. - 109 p.
The Post-Soviet Space: Ten Years Later.  Part 1.  Reports. The Expertise Round Table (September 5,  2001). The Gorbachev Foundation.  Moscow,  2001. 101 p.
The Post-Soviet Space: Ten Years Later.  Part 2.. Discussionsи. The Expertise Round Table (September 5,  2001). The Gorbachev Foundation.  Moscow,  2001 -125 p.
The Current State of the Rusian Economy. Possible Alternative Strategies. The Expertise Round Table.  The Gorbachev Foundation. Moscow. 2001. - 130 p.
The European Union: 10 Years after the Maastricht Treaty. The Expertise Round Table (December 24, 2001).  The Gorbachev Foundation. Moscow, 2002. - 106 p.
Ten Years of Russian Reforms: Results and Prospects. The Expertise Round Table (March 1, 2002). The Gorbachev Foundation, Moscow,  2002. - 118 p.
Putin's Presidency: Hopes and Expectations. The Expertise Round Table. The Gorbachev Foundation. Moscow,   2002. - 135 p.
Two Years of Reforms of Federal Relations: Results and Prospects. The Expertise Round Table (May 23, 2002).The Gorbachev Foundation.  Moscow,  2002. - 84 p.
Russia and the Post-Soviet Space in the New Strategic Space. The Expertise Round Table. (June 12, 2002).  The Gorbachev Foundation. Moscow, 2002. - 90 p.
The New Russian Federalism: A Declaration or a Reality? The Expertise Round Table. The Gorbachev Foundation, The Center for Fiscal Policy. Moscow,  2004. - 52 p.
Perestroika in the Transformational Context. The Expertise Round Table. The Gorbachev Foundation. Moscow, 2005. - 89 p.
Social Problems in Russia and Their Reflection in the Public Consciousness. Part 1. The Expertise Round Table. The Gorbachev Foundation. (February 27, 2007).  The Gorbachev Foundation, INO-Center; Novaya Evrazia Fund. Moscow, 2007. - 92 p.
Social Problems in Russia and Their Reflection in the Public Consciousness. Part 2. Speeches and Discussions. The Expertise Round Table.  (February 27, 2007).  The Gorbachev Foundation, INO-Center; Novaya Evrazia Fund. Moscow, 2007. - 73 p.
Great Europe: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. The Expertise Round Table. The Gorbachev Foundation. (September 27,  2007). Moscow, 2007. - 60 p.
Russia in the World Development Context. The Expertise Round Table. The Gorbachev Foundation.  Moscow, 2007. - 92 p.
Russia's Contemporary Foreign Policy. The Expertise Round Table. The Gorbachev Foundation. (February 26, 2008). The Gorbachev Foundation, INO-Center; Novaya Evrazia Fund. Moscow,  2008. - 120 p.
2020: Modernization of Russian Economy: Landmarks and Impediments. The Expertise Round Table.  (June 10, 2008). V.B.Kuvaldin (editor-in-chief); The Gorbachev Foundation. Moscow, 2008. - 109 p.
Post-Soviet Russia: The Peculiarities of Political Process and the Condition of Statehood in Post-Soviet Russia.  The Expertise Round Table. The Gorbachev Foundation. (September 27,  2008). The Gorbachev Foundation, INO-Center; Novaya Evrazia Fund. Moscow, 2008. - 125 p.
Post-Soviet Russia: Ideology, Values, Identity. The Expertise Round Table.  (November 21, 2008). The Gorbachev Foundation, INO-Center; Novaya Evrazia Fund.  Moscow, 2008. - 80 p.




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