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The XXI century will be a сentury either of total all-embracing crisis or of moral and spiritual healing that will reinvigorate humankind. It is my conviction that all of us - all reasonable political leaders, all spiritual and ideological movements, all  faiths - must help in this transition to a triumph of humanism and justice, in making the XXI century a century of a new human renaissance.

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7 December 2012

7 December, 2012 the Gorbachev Foundation hosted a Round Table on Girlhood Studies: Agenda and Prospects

I. Shurygina

GirlhoodStudies: Agenda and Prospects”

Roundtable, 7 December 2012
Roundtable was organized by the International Foundation for Socio-Economic and Political Studies (The Gorbachev Foundation) and the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Girlhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal and The Journal of Social Policy Studies
Girlhood Studies is a relatively new research area of gender studies / women studies.
Girlhood Studies explore:
  • Тraditional and modern representations of girlhood in culture and the ways girls see themselves and their future;
  • The ways in which urbanization, consumerism, mass culture and peer groups influence the perceptions of femininity taking shape in girls’ culture;
  • The importance and role of feminist discourse in the cultural constructs of girlhood
Girlhood Studies are interdisciplinary studies of the various aspects of the life of a specific age and gender group and intellectual debates about teenage girls and young girls in the modern world.
The participants of the Roundtable discussed the findings of contemporary research into the problems of girlhood and their importance and prospects in Russia.    
Topics suggested for discussion include:
·         Girls as a special subject of gender studies / women studies: problem statement and research methods
·         Girlhood experience  in modern world: perceptions and interpretations of regional, racial, ethnic, and class specifics of girlhood
·         “Alternative femininities” and changes in sexuality
·         The concept of “girl power”: positioning in the media and marketing 
·         Prospects for girlhood studies in Russia: The emerging agenda
Roundtable Program
Session 1. Girlhood experience in modern world.Girls as a special subject of gender studies / women studies
Olga Zdravomyslova, executive director, the Gorbachev Foundation (Moscow)
Elena Smirnova-Yarskaya, co-editor  The Journal of Social Policy Studies (Moscow)
Claudia Mitchell, co-editor, Girlhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal
Pamela Teitelbaum, researcher, McGill University, (Montreal)
Session 2.  Girl Studies in Russia: Agenda and Prospects
Ludmila Popkova, director of Center for Gender Studies (Samara)
Irina Shurygina researcher, Institute of Sociology Russian Academy of Science (Moscow)
Olga Boytsova and Elena Mishanova researchers, The Journal Anthropology Forum (St Petersburg)
Vadim Michaylin researcher, Saratov State University
Zanna Chernova researcher, Higher School of Economics (St Petersburg)
Closing remarks:
Claudia Mitchell
Elena Smirnova-Yarskaya
Olga Zdravomyslova

Photos by the Gorbachev Foundation (Dmitry Belanovsky)



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